Artifacts using Pact JVM Consumer (21)
Provides a DSL and a base test class for use with Junit to build consumer tests.
## Dependency
The library is available on maven central using:
* group-id = ``
* artifact-id = `pact-jvm-consumer-junit`
* version-id = `4.0.x`
## Usage
### Using the base ConsumerPactTest
To write a pact spec extend ConsumerPactTest. This base class defines the following four methods which must be
overridden in your test class.
* *providerName:* Returns the ...
Last Release on Apr 29, 2020
3. Arquillian Algeron Pact Consumer Core3 usages
org.arquillian.algeron » arquillian-algeron-pact-consumer-coreApache
Arquillian Algeron Pact Consumer Core
Last Release on Jun 15, 2017
Groovy DSL for Pact JVM
## Dependency
The library is available on maven central using:
* group-id = ``
* artifact-id = `pact-jvm-consumer-groovy`
* version-id = `4.0.x`
## Usage
Add the `pact-jvm-consumer-groovy` library to your test class path. This provides a `PactBuilder` class for you to use
to define your pacts. For a full example, have a look at the example JUnit `ExampleGroovyConsumerPactTest`.
If you are using gradle for your ...
Last Release on Apr 29, 2020
# pact-jvm-consumer-java8
Provides a Java8 lambda based DSL for use with Junit to build consumer tests.
# A Lambda DSL for Pact
This is an extension for the pact DSL provided by [pact-jvm-consumer](../pact-jvm-consumer). The difference between
the default pact DSL and this lambda DSL is, as the name suggests, the usage of lambdas. The use of lambdas makes the code much cleaner.
## Why a new DSL implementation?
The lambda DSL solves the following two main issues. Both are visible in the following code ...
Last Release on Apr 29, 2020
JUnit 5 support for Pact consumer tests
## Dependency
The library is available on maven central using:
* group-id = ``
* artifact-id = `pact-jvm-consumer-junit5`
* version-id = `4.0.x`
## Usage
### 1. Add the Pact consumer test extension to the test class.
To write Pact consumer tests with JUnit 5, you need to add `@ExtendWith(PactConsumerTestExt)` to your test class. This
replaces the `PactRunner` used for JUnit 4 tests. The rest of the ...
Last Release on Apr 29, 2020
## Specs2 Bindings for the pact-jvm library
## Dependency
In the root folder of your project in build.sbt add the line:
libraryDependencies += "" %% "pact-jvm-consumer-specs2" % "3.2.11"
or if you are using Gradle:
dependencies {
testCompile ""
__*Note:*__ `PactSpec` requires spec2 3.x. Also, for spray users there's ...
Last Release on Apr 29, 2020
Provides an extension to scalatest to validate pact files against a running provider. See
for details.
*Note:* The Pact ProviderSpec requires scalatest 2.2.x
Last Release on Apr 29, 2020