Artifacts using Java (4)
The Ceylon language module containing the core definitions
referred to by the [language specification][spec], along
with some basic functionality of use to most programs:
- The [[root package|package ceylon.language]] defines
general-purpose functionality including support for
[[numbers|Numeric]] and [[character strings|String]],
[[streams|Iterable]] and [[sequences|Sequential]],
[[exceptions|Throwable]], and [[null values|Null]].
- The Ceylon _metamodel_ is defined in
[[package ...
Last Release on Feb 13, 2021
Relocated → org.ceylon-lang »
Ceylon CLI plugin for WildFly Swarm.
# Usage
Install the plugin from the command-line:
$ ceylon plugin install ceylon.swarm/1.3.3
Write your application for WildFly Swarm by importing the Java EE API module in your Ceylon module.ceylon:
module my.module "1" {
import maven:"javax:javaee-api" "7.0";
Then write your application, and run the swarm plugin from the command line:
ceylon swarm --provided-module javax:javaee-api my.module/1
Last Release on Feb 13, 2021
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