Akka Http: Modern, fast, asynchronous, streaming-first HTTP server and client.

LicenseApache 2.0
CategoriesJSON Libraries
Organization Lightbend
HomePage https://akka.io
DateFeb 21, 2024
Filespom (2 KB)  jar (15 KB)  View All
Ranking#2268 in MvnRepository (See Top Artifacts)
#40 in JSON Libraries
Used By232 artifacts
Scala TargetScala 2.12 (View all targets)

Note: There is a new version for this artifact

New Version10.7.0

Note: this artifact is located at Akka repository (https://repo.akka.io/maven/)

Compile Dependencies (3)

Provided Dependencies (1)

Category/License Group / ArtifactVersionUpdates
BUSL 1.1
com.typesafe.akka » akka-stream_2.12

Test Dependencies (1)

Category/License Group / ArtifactVersionUpdates
Apache 2.0
org.scalatest » scalatest_2.12


NameEmailDev IdRolesOrganization

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