Apache Commons BeanUtils provides an easy-to-use but flexible wrapper around reflection and introspection.
License | Apache 2.0 |
Categories | Reflection Libraries |
Tags | commonsbeansreflection |
HomePage | https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-beanutils |
Date | Jan 07, 2025 |
Files | pom (17 KB) jar (240 KB) View All |
Repositories | CentralCruk |
Ranking | #92 in MvnRepository (See Top Artifacts) #2 in Reflection Libraries |
Used By | 6,098 artifacts |
Compile Dependencies (2)
Category/License | Group / Artifact | Version | Updates | |
Collections Apache 2.0 | commons-collections » commons-collections | 3.2.2 | 4.4 | |
Logging Apache 2.0 | commons-logging » commons-logging | 1.3.4 | 1.3.5 |
Test Dependencies (2)
Category/License | Group / Artifact | Version | Updates | |
Apache | commons-collections » commons-collections-testframework | 3.2.1 | ✔ | |
Testing EPL 2.0 | org.junit.vintage » junit-vintage-engine | 5.11.2 | 5.11.4 |
License | URL |
Apache-2.0 | https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt |
Name | Dev Id | Roles | Organization | |
Robert Burrell Donkin | rdonkin<at>apache.org | rdonkin | The Apache Software Foundation | |
Dion Gillard | dion<at>apache.org | dion | The Apache Software Foundation | |
Craig McClanahan | craigmcc<at>apache.org | craigmcc | The Apache Software Foundation | |
Geir Magnusson Jr. | geirm<at>apache.org | geirm | The Apache Software Foundation | |
Scott Sanders | sanders<at>apache.org | sanders | The Apache Software Foundation | |
James Strachan | jstrachan<at>apache.org | jstrachan | The Apache Software Foundation | |
Rodney Waldhoff | rwaldhoff<at>apache.org | rwaldhoff | The Apache Software Foundation | |
Martin van den Bemt | mvdb<at>apache.org | mvdb | The Apache Software Foundation | |
Yoav Shapira | yoavs<at>apache.org | yoavs | The Apache Software Foundation | |
Niall Pemberton | niallp<at>apache.org | niallp | The Apache Software Foundation | |
Simon Kitching | skitching<at>apache.org | skitching | The Apache Software Foundation | |
James Carman | jcarman<at>apache.org | jcarman | The Apache Software Foundation | |
Benedikt Ritter | britter<at>apache.org | britter | The Apache Software Foundation | |
Tim O'Brien | tobrien<at>apache.org | tobrien | The Apache Software Foundation | |
David Eric Pugh | epugh<at>apache.org | epugh | The Apache Software Foundation | |
Morgan James Delagrange | morgand<at>apache.org | morgand | The Apache Software Foundation | |
John E. Conlon | jconlon<at>apache.org | jconlon | The Apache Software Foundation | |
Stephen Colebourne | scolebourne<at>apache.org | scolebourne | The Apache Software Foundation | |
Gary Gregory | ggregory at apache.org | ggregory | PMC Member | The Apache Software Foundation |
Stian Soiland-Reyes | stain<at>apache.org | stain | The Apache Software Foundation | |
Rob Tompkins | chtompki<at>apache.org | chtompki | The Apache Software Foundation |