ZIO Prelude is an alternative approach to functional abstractions in Scala, which throws out the classic functor hierarchy in favor of a modular algebraic approach that is smaller, easier to understand and teach, and more expressive.

LicenseApache 2.0
CategoriesFunctional Programming
Organization dev.zio
HomePage https://zio.dev/zio-prelude/
DateNov 10, 2024
Filespom (2 KB)  jar (4.4 MB)  View All
Ranking#5068 in MvnRepository (See Top Artifacts)
#13 in Functional Programming
Used By93 artifacts
Scala TargetScala.js 1 3 (View all targets)

Note: There is a new version for this artifact

New Version1.0.0-RC35

Compile Dependencies (5)

Test Dependencies (3)


NameEmailDev IdRolesOrganization
John De Goesjohn<at>degoes.netjdegoes