kXML is a small XML pull parser, specially designed for constrained environments such as Applets, Personal Java or MIDP devices. In contrast to kXML 1, kXML 2 is based on the common XML pull API. This archive contains only the kXML 2 parser.

LicenseBSDCC0 1.0Public
Organization Stefan Haustein, Oberhausen, Rhld., Germany
HomePage http://kxml.sourceforge.net/
DateApr 20, 2009
Filespom (1 KB)  jar (10 KB)  View All
RepositoriesCentralAKSWEEA SKJCenterKyligence PublicMulesoftOneBusAway PubTerrestris
Ranking#32871 in MvnRepository (See Top Artifacts)
Used By13 artifacts

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