The NetBeans Platform is a generic base for desktop applications. It provides the services common to almost all large desktop applications: window management, menus, settings and storage, an update manager, and file access. Get a head start by reusing these standard components, allowing you to concentrate fully on your application's business logic.

LicenseCDDL 1.0GPL 2.0LGPL
DateOct 09, 2009
Filespom (6 KB)  jar (3.6 MB)  View All
RepositoriesCentralLiferay Public
Ranking#246847 in MvnRepository (See Top Artifacts)
Used By1 artifacts

Compile Dependencies (0)

Category/License Group / ArtifactVersionUpdates


Dual licensed (GNU Lesser General Public License and CDDL version 1.0)


NameEmailDev IdRolesOrganization
Christina Ahrens
Asgeir Orn Asgeirsson
Christopher Atlan
Carel Bast
Steve Benigan
Chris Bishop
Michael Bishop
Mauro Botelho
Vincent Brabant
Jeff Cantin
Gabriele Carcassi
Benoit Cerrina
Jayme C. Edwards
Nick Fortescue
David Freels
Kenneth N. Fujimoto
Carl L Gilbert
Kees van Ginkel
Andrej Golovnin
Michel Graciano
Robert Greig
Gunnar Grim
Anuradha Gunasekara
Sam Halliday
Eric Hartmann
Niclas Hedhman
Leon Chiver
Jonathan Keller
Miloš Kleint
Jeff Keyser
Arjan Kok
Holger Krug
Jan Labrie
Ross Lamont
Max Lobel
Jun Luo
Roger Martin
Maxym Mykhalchuk
Derrick Oswald
Saptarshi Purkayastha
John Richardson
Gerrit Riessen
Michael Ruflin
Wiebe Ruiter
Michael Nascimento Santos
Kai Rudiger Schobbert
Thomas Singer
Evan "Hippy" Slatis
Christian Stein
Ted Stockwell
David Štrupl
Lukas Tadial
Alan Tai
Gili Tzabari
Rich Unger
Vladimir Strigun