Artifacts using marmotta-core version 3.4.0
This module provides an Apache Marmotta backend based on the KiWi triple store. This is a reasonable setting
for most setups, provides more features than other backends and is therefore also the default backend for Marmotta.
Last Release on Jun 12, 2018
Provides support for SPARQL 1.1 Queries and Updates and offers different
UIs for exploring SPARQL results.
Last Release on Jun 12, 2018
Provides common infrastructure for transparent Linked Data Caching in Marmotta. When a resource is queried using
e.g. LDPath or SPARQL and it represents an external resource (e.g. on DBPedia or GeoNames), the resource is
transparently fetched on demand and cached locally. This module contains the backend-independent services.
Last Release on Jun 12, 2018
This module provides versioning support for all modifications of the data contained in the LMF System (triples,
resources, namespaces). Versions are accessible according to the Memento protocol using a special webservice.
Versioning is triggered when a transaction finishes successfully and will store additional
versioning information in the database. Note that this implies a certain performance overhead.
This module contains the backend-independent services.
Last Release on Jun 12, 2018
Provides support for the LDPath query language for Linked Data. Querying support is available for other
services as well as through a LDPath query endpoint (Web Service).
Last Release on Jun 12, 2018
This module provides basic user management support, i.e. adding, editing and
removing user configurations from Apache Marmotta.
Last Release on Jun 12, 2018
Provides support for the sKWRL rule-based reasoning language. Rule programs can be uploaded and are evaluated
in a forward chaining algorithm whenever a transaction commits. Since the reasoner evaluates rules directly on
the database, reasoning is quite efficient.
Last Release on Jun 12, 2018
Provides transparent Linked Data Caching in the LMF triple store. When a resource is queried using e.g. LDPath
or SPARQL and it represents an external resource (e.g. on DBPedia or GeoNames), the resource is transparently
fetched on demand and cached locally.
Last Release on Jun 12, 2018
A Java Library for accessing a remote Marmotta installation using REST webservice calls.
Last Release on Jun 12, 2018
This module provides versioning support for all modifications of the data contained in the LMF System (triples,
resources, namespaces). Versions are accessible according to the Memento protocol using a special webservice.
Versioning is triggered when a transaction finishes successfully and will store additional
versioning information in the database. Note that this implies a certain performance overhead.
This module contains the KiWi backend for versioning.
Last Release on Jun 12, 2018