Parser Generator BSD | | antlr
antlr |
2.7.7 | 3.5.3 |
AOP Public | | aopalliance
aopalliance |
1.0 |
Math Lib MIT | | ch.obermuhlner
big-math |
2.0.1 | 2.3.2 |
MIT | | ch.qos.cal10n
cal10n-api |
0.8.1 |
Logging EPL 1.0LGPL 2.1 | | ch.qos.logback
logback-core1 vulnerability |
1.2.9 | 1.5.8 |
Logging EPL 1.0LGPL 2.1 | | ch.qos.logback
logback-classic1 vulnerability |
1.2.9 | 1.5.8 |
Apache 2.0 | | com.ahome-it
ahome-tooling-nativetools |
1.0.195-RELEASE | 2.0.7-RELEASE |
Apache 2.0 | | com.ahome-it
ahome-tooling-common |
1.0.190-RELEASE | 2.0.7-RELEASE |
Apache 2.0 | | com.allen-sauer.gwt.dnd
gwt-dnd |
3.3.3 | 3.3.4 |
| |
dx |
1.10 |
JSON Lib Apache 2.0 | | com.fasterxml.jackson.core
jackson-core |
2.15.0 | 2.17.2 |
JSON Lib Apache 2.0 | | com.fasterxml.jackson.core
jackson-databind |
2.15.0 | 2.17.2 |
Annotation Lib Apache 2.0 | | com.fasterxml.jackson.core
jackson-annotations |
2.15.0 | 2.17.2 |
YAML Apache 2.0 | | com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat
jackson-dataformat-yaml |
2.15.0 | 2.17.2 |
Serializer Apache 2.0 | | com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat
jackson-dataformat-smile |
2.15.0 | 2.17.2 |
Serializer Apache 2.0 | | com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat
jackson-dataformat-cbor |
2.15.0 | 2.17.2 |
Date/Time Apache 2.0 | | com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype
jackson-datatype-jsr310 |
2.15.0 | 2.17.2 |
Apache 2.0 | | com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs
jackson-jaxrs-json-provider |
2.15.0 | 2.17.2 |
Apache 2.0 | | com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs
jackson-jaxrs-base |
2.15.0 | 2.17.2 |
Annotation Lib Apache 2.0 | | com.fasterxml.jackson.module
jackson-module-jaxb-annotations |
2.15.0 | 2.17.2 |
Java Compiler/Parser Apache 2.0LGPL 3.0 | | com.github.javaparser
javaparser-core |
3.23.1 | 3.26.2 |
Mocking Apache 2.0 | | com.github.tomakehurst
wiremock |
1.53 | 3.9.1 |
Mocking Apache 2.0 | | com.github.tomakehurst
wiremock |
1.53 | 3.9.1 |
Android Platform Apache 2.0 | |
android | |
Testing Apache 2.0 | |
android-test | | 1.6.1 |
JSON Lib Apache 2.0 | |
gson |
2.8.9 | 2.11.0 |
Apache 2.0 | |
elemental2-dom |
1.1.0 | 1.2.1 |
Apache 2.0 | |
elemental2-core |
1.1.0 | 1.2.1 |
Apache 2.0 | |
elemental2-promise |
1.1.0 | 1.2.1 |
Core Utils Apache 2.0 | |
guava2 vulnerabilities |
30.1-jre | 33.3.0-jre |
Apache 2.0 | |
guava-gwt |
30.1-jre | 33.3.0-jre |
Web Framework
| |
gwt-user |
2.9.0 | 2.11.0 |
| |
gwt-dev |
2.9.0 | 2.11.0 |
Mocking Apache 2.0 | |
gwtmockito |
1.1.9 |
Dep Injection Apache 2.0 | |
guice |
4.0 | 7.0.0 |
Dep Injection Apache 2.0 | |
guice |
4.0 | 7.0.0 |
Apache 2.0 | |
guice-servlet |
4.0 | 7.0.0 |
Annotation Lib Apache 2.0 | |
jsinterop-annotations |
2.0.0 | 2.1.0 |
Apache 2.0 | |
base |
1.0.0 | 1.0.1 |
Data Format BSD 3-clause | |
protobuf-java |
3.19.6 | 4.28.2 |
Apache 2.0 | |
compile-testing |
0.11 | 0.21.0 |
Apache 2.0 | | com.googlecode.gwt-charts
gwt-charts |
0.9.9 | 0.9.10 |
Embedded SQL DB EPL 1.0MPL 2.0 | | com.h2database
h23 vulnerabilities |
1.4.197 | 2.3.232 |
SSH Lib BSDISC | | com.jcraft
jsch |
0.1.54 | 0.2.20 |
PDF Lib AGPL 3.0 | | com.lowagie
itext1 vulnerability |
2.1.7 | |
Swing Layout BSD | | com.miglayout
miglayout |
3.7.4 | 11.4.2 |
JSON Schema Apache 2.0 | | com.networknt
json-schema-validator |
1.0.43 | 1.5.1 |
Docker Client Apache 2.0 | | com.spotify
docker-client |
3.5.12 | 8.16.0 |
HTTP Clients Apache 2.0 | | com.squareup.okhttp3
okhttp |
3.12.1 | 4.12.0 |
Apache 2.0 | | com.squareup.okhttp3
logging-interceptor |
3.12.1 | 4.12.0 |
EDL 1.0 | | com.sun.activation
jakarta.activation |
1.2.2 | 2.0.1 |
Mail Client EDL 1.0EPL 2.0GPL | | com.sun.mail
jakarta.mail |
1.6.5 | 2.0.1 |
XML Processing EDL 1.0 | | com.sun.xml.bind
jaxb-core |
2.3.0 | 4.0.5 |
XML Processing EDL 1.0 | | com.sun.xml.bind
jaxb-impl |
2.3.0 | 4.0.5 |
EDL 1.0 | | com.sun.xml.bind
jaxb-xjc |
2.3.0 | 4.0.5 |
EDL 1.0 | | com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj
saaj-impl |
1.5.0 | 3.0.4 |
XML Processing BSD 3-clause | | com.thoughtworks.xstream
xstream |
1.4.20 |
BSD 3-clause | | com.thoughtworks.xstream
xstream-hibernate |
1.4.20 |
Apache 2.0GPL 2.0LGPL 2.1 | | com.unboundid
unboundid-ldapsdk |
4.0.5 | 7.0.1 |
Annotation Lib Apache 2.0 | | com.wordnik
swagger-annotations |
1.3.10 | 1.6.14 |
Reflection Apache 2.0 | | commons-beanutils
commons-beanutils |
1.9.4 |
CLI Parser Apache 2.0 | | commons-cli
commons-cli |
1.4 | 1.9.0 |
Base64 Apache 2.0 | | commons-codec
commons-codec |
1.15 | 1.17.1 |
Collections Apache 2.0 | | commons-collections
commons-collections |
3.2.2 | 4.4 |
Config Apache 2.0 | | commons-configuration
commons-configuration |
1.6 | 2.11.0 |
JDBC Pool Apache 2.0 | | commons-dbcp
commons-dbcp |
1.4 | 2.12.0 |
Config Apache 2.0 | | commons-digester
commons-digester |
1.8 | 3.2 |
Upload Manager Apache 2.0 | | commons-fileupload
commons-fileupload |
1.5 | 2.0.0-M2 |
I/O Apache 2.0 | | commons-io
commons-io |
2.7 | 2.17.0 |
Expression Lang Apache 2.0 | | commons-jxpath
commons-jxpath6 vulnerabilities |
1.3 |
FTP Apache 2.0 | | commons-net
commons-net |
3.9.0 | 3.11.1 |
Object Pool Apache 2.0 | | commons-pool
commons-pool |
1.6 | 2.12.0 |
MIT | | de.benediktmeurer.gwt-slf4j
gwt-slf4j |
0.0.2 |
GraphViz Lib Apache 2.0 | | guru.nidi
graphviz-java |
0.18.0 | 0.18.1 |
CLI Parser Apache 2.0 | | info.picocli
picocli |
4.6.1 | 4.7.6 |
Apache 2.0 | | io.fabric8
kubernetes-model |
4.7.2 | 9.0.2 |
Kubernetes Client Apache 2.0 | | io.fabric8
kubernetes-client |
4.7.2 | 6.13.3 |
Apache 2.0 | | io.fabric8
zjsonpatch |
0.3.0 |
Apache 2.0 | | io.fabric8
kubernetes-model-common |
4.7.2 | 6.13.3 |
Apache 2.0 | | io.fabric8
kubernetes-model-annotator |
4.7.2 | 9.0.2 |
Apache 2.0 | | io.fabric8
kubernetes-model |
4.7.2 | 9.0.2 |
Kubernetes Client Apache 2.0 | | io.fabric8
kubernetes-client |
4.7.2 | 6.13.3 |
Apache 2.0 | | io.fabric8
kubernetes-server-mock |
4.7.2 | 6.13.3 |
Apache 2.0 | | io.fabric8
openshift-client |
4.7.2 | 6.13.3 |
Apache 2.0 | | io.fabric8
knative-model-annotator |
4.7.2 | 4.10.1 |
Apache 2.0 | | io.fabric8
knative-model |
4.7.2 | 6.13.3 |
Apache 2.0 | | io.fabric8
knative-client |
4.7.2 | 6.13.3 |
Apache 2.0 | | io.fabric8
knative-mock |
4.7.2 | 6.1.1 |
Apache 2.0 | | io.fabric8
knative-examples |
4.7.2 | 6.13.3 |
Apache 2.0 | | io.fabric8
knative-tests |
4.7.2 | 6.13.3 |
Apache 2.0 | | io.fabric8
tekton-model-annotator |
4.7.2 | 4.9.2 |
Apache 2.0 | | io.fabric8
tekton-model |
4.7.2 | 4.9.2 |
Apache 2.0 | | io.fabric8
tekton-client |
4.7.2 | 6.13.3 |
Apache 2.0 | | io.fabric8
tekton-mock |
4.7.2 | 6.1.1 |
Apache 2.0 | | io.fabric8
tekton-examples |
4.7.2 | 6.13.3 |
Apache 2.0 | | io.fabric8
tekton-tests |
4.7.2 | 6.13.3 |
Apache 2.0 | | io.fabric8
servicecatalog-model-annotator |
4.7.2 | 4.10.1 |
Apache 2.0 | | io.fabric8
servicecatalog-model |
4.7.2 | 6.13.3 |
Apache 2.0 | | io.fabric8
servicecatalog-client |
4.7.2 | 6.13.3 |
Apache 2.0 | | io.fabric8
servicecatalog-server-mock |
4.7.2 | 6.1.1 |
Apache 2.0 | | io.fabric8
service-catalog-examples |
4.7.2 | 6.13.3 |
Apache 2.0 | | io.fabric8
servicecatalog-tests |
4.7.2 | 6.13.3 |
Apache 2.0 | | io.fabric8
openshift-server-mock |
4.7.2 | 6.13.3 |
Apache 2.0 | | io.fabric8
kubernetes-examples |
4.7.2 | 6.13.3 |
Apache 2.0 | | io.fabric8
kubernetes-test |
4.7.2 | 6.13.3 |
Apache 2.0 | | io.fabric8
kubernetes-openshift-uberjar |
4.7.2 | 6.13.3 |
Apache 2.0 | | io.fabric8.kubernetes
kubernetes-karaf |
4.7.2 | 6.13.3 |
Apache 2.0 | | io.fabric8.kubernetes
kubernetes-karaf-itests |
4.7.2 | 6.13.3 |
Browser Automation Apache 2.0 | | io.github.bonigarcia
webdrivermanager |
5.0.3 | 5.9.2 |
Application Metrics Apache 2.0 | | io.micrometer
micrometer-core |
1.7.3 | 1.13.4 |
Network Framework Apache 2.0 | | io.netty
netty8 vulnerabilities |
3.10.6.Final | 4.1.113.Final |
Application Metrics Apache 2.0 | | io.prometheus
simpleclient |
0.5.0 | 0.16.0 |
Apache 2.0 | | io.prometheus
simpleclient_common |
0.5.0 | 0.16.0 |
Apache 2.0 | | io.prometheus
simpleclient_httpserver |
0.5.0 | 0.16.0 |
Testing Apache 2.0 | |
rest-assured |
4.3.3 | 5.5.0 |
Apache 2.0 | | io.smallrye
smallrye-open-api-core |
2.1.4 | 3.12.0 |
Apache 2.0 | | io.strimzi
strimzi-test-container |
0.101.0 | 0.107.0 |
Apache 2.0 | | io.swagger
swagger-core |
1.6.2 | 2.2.23 |
Apache 2.0 | | io.swagger
swagger-jaxrs |
1.6.2 | 1.6.14 |
Annotation Lib Apache 2.0 | | io.swagger
swagger-annotations |
1.6.2 | 2.2.23 |
Apache 2.0 | | io.swagger
swagger-models |
1.6.2 | 2.2.23 |
Apache 2.0 | | io.swagger
swagger-parser |
1.0.55 | 2.1.22 |
Annotation Lib Apache 2.0 | | io.swagger.core.v3
swagger-annotations |
2.0.6 | 2.2.23 |
Apache 2.0 | | io.swagger.parser.v3
swagger-parser |
2.0.6 | 2.1.22 |
EPL 1.0 | | io.takari.maven.plugins
takari-plugin-testing |
2.9.2 | 3.0.5 |
EPL 1.0 | | io.takari.maven.plugins
takari-plugin-integration-testing |
2.9.2 | 3.0.5 |
Web Server Apache 2.0 | | io.undertow
undertow-core5 vulnerabilities |
2.2.24.Final | 2.3.17.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | io.undertow
undertow-servlet |
2.2.24.Final | 2.3.17.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | io.undertow
undertow-websockets-jsr |
2.2.24.Final | 2.3.17.Final |
| | jakarta-regexp
jakarta-regexp |
1.4 |
Java Spec EDL 1.0 | | jakarta.activation
jakarta.activation-api |
1.2.2 | 2.1.3 |
Annotation Lib EPL 2.0GPL | | jakarta.annotation
jakarta.annotation-api |
1.3.5 | 3.0.0 |
Java Spec EPL 2.0GPL | | jakarta.ejb
jakarta.ejb-api |
3.2.6 | 4.0.1 |
Java Spec EPL 2.0GPL | | jakarta.el
jakarta.el-api |
3.0.3 | 6.0.1 |
Java Spec Apache 2.0 | | jakarta.enterprise
jakarta.enterprise.cdi-api |
2.0.2 | 4.1.0 |
Java Spec EPL 2.0GPL | | jakarta.enterprise.concurrent
jakarta.enterprise.concurrent-api |
1.1.2 | 3.1.1 |
Dep Injection Apache 2.0 | | jakarta.inject
jakarta.inject-api |
1.0.3 | 2.0.1 |
Java Spec EPL 2.0GPL | | jakarta.interceptor
jakarta.interceptor-api |
1.2.5 | 2.2.0 |
Java Spec EPL 2.0 | | jakarta.jms
jakarta.jms-api |
2.0.3 | 3.1.0 |
Java Spec EPL 2.0 | | jakarta.json
jakarta.json-api |
1.1.6 | 2.1.3 |
Java Spec EPL 2.0 | | jakarta.json.bind
jakarta.json.bind-api |
1.0.2 | 3.0.1 |
Java Spec EDL 1.0 | | jakarta.jws
jakarta.jws-api |
2.1.0 | 3.0.0 |
Java Spec EDL 1.0EPL 2.0GPL | | jakarta.mail
jakarta.mail-api |
1.6.5 | 2.1.3 |
Java Spec EDL 1.0EPL 2.0 | | jakarta.persistence
jakarta.persistence-api |
2.2.3 | 3.2.0 |
Java Spec EPL 2.0GPL | | jakarta.resource
jakarta.resource-api |
1.7.4 | 2.1.0 |
Java Spec EPL 2.0GPL | |
» |
1.6.1 |
Java Spec EPL 2.0GPL | | jakarta.servlet
jakarta.servlet-api |
4.0.3 | 6.1.0 |
Java Spec EPL 2.0GPL | | jakarta.servlet.jsp
jakarta.servlet.jsp-api |
2.3.6 | 4.0.0 |
Java Spec EPL 2.0GPL | | jakarta.servlet.jsp.jstl
jakarta.servlet.jsp.jstl-api |
2.0.0 | 3.0.2 |
Java Spec EPL 2.0GPL | | jakarta.transaction
jakarta.transaction-api |
1.3.3 | 2.0.1 |
Java Spec EPL 2.0GPL | | jakarta.websocket
jakarta.websocket-api |
1.1.2 | 2.2.0 |
Java Spec EPL 2.0GPL 2.0 | |
» |
2.1.6 | 4.0.0 |
XML Processing EDL 1.0 | | jakarta.xml.bind
jakarta.xml.bind-api |
2.3.3 | 4.0.2 |
Java Spec EDL 1.0 | | jakarta.xml.soap
jakarta.xml.soap-api |
1.4.2 | 3.0.2 |
Java Spec EDL 1.0 | |
» |
2.3.3 | 4.0.2 |
Validation Apache 2.0 | | javax.validation
validation-api |
2.0.1.Final | 3.1.0 |
Validation Apache 2.0 | | javax.validation
validation-api |
2.0.1.Final | 3.1.0 |
XPath BSD 2-clause | | jaxen
jaxen |
1.1.6 | 2.0.0 |
XMPP Apache 2.0 | | jivesoftware
smack |
3.1.0 | 3.2.1 |
Date/Time Apache 2.0 | | joda-time
joda-time |
2.9.7 | 2.13.0 |
Testing EPL 2.0 | | junit
junit |
4.13.1 | 5.11.0 |
JDBC Driver
| | mysql
mysql-connector-java |
8.0.28 | 9.0.0 |
Bytecode Apache 2.0 | | net.bytebuddy
byte-buddy |
1.10.3 | 1.15.1 |
LGPLMPL 1.1 | |
glazedlists_java15 |
1.8.0 | 1.11.0 |
Annotation Lib Public | | net.jcip
jcip-annotations |
1.0 |
Apache 2.0 | | net.openhft
chronicle-queue |
5.16.10 | 5.23.37 |
Apache 2.0 | | net.openhft
chronicle-core |
1.16.16 | 2.23.37 |
Apache 2.0 | | net.openhft
chronicle-bytes |
1.16.16 | 2.23.33 |
Apache 2.0 | | net.openhft
chronicle-wire |
1.16.15 | 2.23.39 |
CSV Apache 2.0 | | net.sf.opencsv
opencsv |
2.3 | 5.9 |
CSS, LESS, SASS Apache 2.0 | | net.sourceforge.cssparser
cssparser |
0.9.21 | 0.9.30 |
BSD 3-clause | | org.antlr
antlr-runtime |
3.5.2 | 4.13.2 |
Parser Generator BSD 3-clause | | org.antlr
antlr |
3.5.2 | 4.13.2 |
BSD | | org.antlr
gunit |
3.5.2 | 3.5.3 |
BSD | | org.antlr
ST4 |
4.0.7 | 4.3.4 |
BSD | | org.antlr
antlr4gwt-runtime |
4.8.2 | 4.8.2.redhat-00001 |
BSD | | org.antlr
antlr4gwt-runtime |
4.8.2 | 4.8.2.redhat-00001 |
Parser Generator BSD 3-clause | | org.antlr
antlr4-runtime |
4.9.2 | 4.13.2 |
URI Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.abdera
abdera-i18n |
1.1.3 |
Build Tool Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.ant
ant |
1.10.11 | 1.10.15 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.aries.blueprint
org.apache.aries.blueprint.api |
1.0.1 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.aries.blueprint
org.apache.aries.blueprint.noosgi |
1.1.1 | 1.2.0 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.aries.blueprint
blueprint-parser |
1.4.0 | 1.6.1 |
Enterprise Integration Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.camel
camel-core1 vulnerability |
2.24.0 | 4.8.0 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.camel
camel-test |
2.24.0 | 3.22.2 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.camel
camel-cxf |
2.24.0 | 3.17.0 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.camel
camel-xstream |
2.24.0 | 3.22.2 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.camel
camel-jaxb |
2.24.0 | 4.8.0 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.camel
camel-cxf-transport |
2.24.0 | 4.8.0 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.camel
camel-test-spring |
2.24.0 | 3.22.2 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.chemistry.opencmis
chemistry-opencmis-client-bindings |
0.14.0 | 1.1.0 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.chemistry.opencmis
chemistry-opencmis-client-impl |
0.14.0 | 1.1.0 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.chemistry.opencmis
chemistry-opencmis-commons-api |
0.14.0 | 1.1.0 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.chemistry.opencmis
chemistry-opencmis-commons-impl |
0.14.0 | 1.1.0 |
String Utils Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.commons
commons-text |
1.10.0 | 1.12.0 |
CSV Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.commons
commons-csv |
1.6 | 1.11.0 |
JDBC Pool Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.commons
commons-dbcp2 |
2.1.1 | 2.12.0 |
Compression Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.commons
commons-compress2 vulnerabilities |
1.21 | 1.27.1 |
External Proc Exec Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.commons
commons-exec |
1.3 | 1.4.0 |
Core Utils Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.commons
commons-lang3 |
3.11 | 3.17.0 |
Math Lib Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.commons
commons-math3 |
3.4.1 | 4.0-beta1 |
Object Pool Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.commons
commons-pool2 |
2.4.2 | 2.12.0 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.cxf
cxf-core1 vulnerability |
3.4.10 | 4.0.5 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.cxf
cxf-rt-bindings-soap |
3.4.10 | 4.0.5 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.cxf
cxf-rt-frontend-jaxws |
3.4.10 | 4.0.5 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.cxf
cxf-rt-databinding-jaxb |
3.4.10 | 4.0.5 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.cxf
cxf-rt-frontend-jaxrs |
3.4.10 | 4.0.5 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.cxf
cxf-rt-frontend-simple |
3.4.10 | 4.0.5 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.cxf
cxf-rt-transports-http |
3.4.10 | 4.0.5 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.cxf
cxf-rt-transports-http-jetty |
3.4.10 | 4.0.5 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.cxf
cxf-rt-ws-policy |
3.4.10 | 4.0.5 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.cxf
cxf-rt-bindings-xml |
3.4.10 | 4.0.5 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.cxf
cxf-rt-ws-addr |
3.4.10 | 4.0.5 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.cxf
cxf-rt-rs-client |
3.4.10 | 4.0.5 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.deltaspike.cdictrl
deltaspike-cdictrl-api |
1.9.4 | 2.0.0 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.deltaspike.cdictrl
deltaspike-cdictrl-weld |
1.9.4 | 2.0.0 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.deltaspike.core
deltaspike-core-impl |
1.9.4 | 2.0.0 |
FTP Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.ftpserver
ftpserver-core |
1.0.6 | 1.2.0 |
HTTP Clients Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.httpcomponents
httpclient |
4.5.13 | 5.3.1 |
HTTP Clients Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.httpcomponents
fluent-hc |
4.5.13 | 4.5.14 |
HTTP Clients Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.httpcomponents
httpcore |
4.4.14 | 5.3 |
MIME Types Lib Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.httpcomponents
httpmime |
4.5.13 | 5.3.1 |
Message Queue Client Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.kafka
kafka-clients |
3.1.0 | 3.8.0 |
Message Queue Client Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.kafka
kafka-clients |
3.1.0 | 3.8.0 |
OSGi Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.karaf
apache-karaf |
4.3.8 | 4.4.6 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.karaf.assemblies.features
standard | 4.3.8 | 2.4.4 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.karaf.features
org.apache.karaf.features.core |
4.3.8 | 4.4.6 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.lucene
lucene-analyzers-common |
6.6.6 | 9.11.1 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.lucene
lucene-codecs |
6.6.6 | 9.11.1 |
Full-Text Indexing Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.lucene
lucene-core |
6.6.6 | 9.11.1 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.lucene
lucene-queryparser |
6.6.6 | 9.11.1 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.lucene
lucene-sandbox |
6.6.6 | 9.11.1 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.lucene
lucene-misc |
6.6.6 | 9.11.1 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.lucene
lucene-backward-codecs |
6.6.6 | 9.11.1 |
Build Model Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.maven
maven-artifact |
3.3.9 | 3.9.9 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.maven
maven-builder-support |
3.3.9 | 3.9.9 |
Build Model Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.maven
maven-plugin-api |
3.3.9 | 3.9.9 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.maven
maven-embedder |
3.3.9 | 3.9.9 |
Build Tool Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.maven
maven-core1 vulnerability |
3.3.9 | 3.9.9 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.maven
maven-archiver |
3.3.0 | 3.6.2 |
Build Model Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.maven
maven-model |
3.3.9 | 3.9.9 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.maven
maven-model-builder |
3.3.9 | 3.9.9 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.maven
maven-compat1 vulnerability |
3.3.9 | 3.9.9 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.maven
maven-aether-provider |
3.3.9 | 3.9.9 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.maven
maven-repository-metadata |
3.3.9 | 3.9.9 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.maven
maven-settings |
3.3.9 | 3.9.9 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.maven
maven-settings-builder |
3.3.9 | 3.9.9 |
Annotation Lib Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.maven.plugin-tools
maven-plugin-annotations |
3.4 | 3.15.0 |
Maven Plugins Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.maven.plugins
maven-dependency-plugin |
3.0.2 | 3.8.0 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.maven.shared
maven-shared-utils |
3.3.3 | 3.4.2 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.maven.shared
maven-artifact-transfer |
0.9.1 | 2.0.1 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.maven.wagon
wagon-provider-api |
3.0.0 | 3.5.3 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.maven.wagon
wagon-http |
3.0.0 | 3.5.3 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.neethi
neethi |
3.1.1 | 3.2.0 |
Excel Lib Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.poi
poi |
4.1.2 | 5.3.0 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.poi
poi-ooxml |
4.1.2 | 5.3.0 |
SSH Lib Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.sshd
sshd-core |
2.9.2 | 2.13.2 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.tomcat
catalina |
6.0.32 | 10.1.30 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.tomcat
tomcat-dbcp |
9.0.21 | 10.1.30 |
Template Engine Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.velocity
velocity1 vulnerability |
1.7 | 2.3 |
Apache 2.0 | |
xmlschema-core |
2.2.5 | 2.3.1 |
XML Processing Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.xmlbeans
xmlbeans |
3.1.0 | 5.2.1 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.xmlgraphics
xmlgraphics-commons |
2.6 | 2.9 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.xmlgraphics
batik-dom |
1.14 | 1.17 |
SVG Libraries Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.xmlgraphics
batik-svg-dom |
1.14 | 1.17 |
SVG Libraries Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.xmlgraphics
batik-svggen |
1.14 | 1.17 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.xmlgraphics
batik-util |
1.14 | 1.17 |
CSS, LESS, SASS Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.xmlgraphics
batik-css |
1.14 | 1.17 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.xmlgraphics
batik-ext |
1.14 | 1.17 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.xmlgraphics
batik-xml |
1.14 | 1.17 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.xmlgraphics
batik-transcoder1 vulnerability |
1.14 | 1.17 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.xmlgraphics
batik-bridge1 vulnerability |
1.14 | 1.17 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.xmlgraphics
batik-gvt |
1.14 | 1.17 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.xmlgraphics
batik-script1 vulnerability |
1.14 | 1.17 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.xmlgraphics
batik-awt-util |
1.14 | 1.17 |
SVG Libraries Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.xmlgraphics
batik-parser |
1.14 | 1.17 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.xmlgraphics
batik-anim |
1.14 | 1.17 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.apache.xmlgraphics
batik-codec |
1.14 | 1.17 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.arquillian.cube
arquillian-cube-docker |
1.0.0.Alpha15 | 1.18.2 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.arquillian.cube
arquillian-cube-requirement |
1.0.0.Alpha15 | 1.18.2 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.asciidoctor
asciidoctorj |
2.2.0 | 3.0.0 |
Assertion Apache 2.0 | | org.assertj
assertj-core |
3.14.0 | 3.26.3 |
Concurrency Apache 2.0 | | org.awaitility
awaitility |
3.0.0 | 4.2.2 |
Encryption Lib BouncyCastle | | org.bouncycastle
bcprov-jdk15on5 vulnerabilities |
1.68 | 1.78.1 |
Encryption Lib BouncyCastle | | org.bouncycastle
bcpkix-jdk15on |
1.68 | 1.78.1 |
Apache 2.0BouncyCastle | | org.bouncycastle
bcpg-jdk15on |
1.68 | 1.78.1 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.chtijbug.jbpm
jbpm-designer-api |
7.74.1.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.chtijbug.jbpm
jbpm-designer-client |
7.74.1.Final |
Transactions LGPL 3.0 | | org.codehaus.btm
btm |
2.1.4 |
LGPL 3.0 | | org.codehaus.btm
btm-tomcat55-lifecycle |
2.1.4 |
JVM Languages Apache 2.0 | | org.codehaus.groovy
groovy-all |
2.0.5 | 4.0.23 |
JSON Lib Apache 2.0 | | org.codehaus.jackson
jackson-core-asl |
1.9.13 | 2.17.2 |
JSON Lib Apache 2.0 | | org.codehaus.jackson
jackson-mapper-asl2 vulnerabilities |
1.9.13 | 2.17.2 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.codehaus.jackson
jackson-jaxrs |
1.9.13 | 2.17.2 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.codehaus.jackson
jackson-xc |
1.9.13 | 2.17.2 |
JSON Lib Apache 2.0 | | org.codehaus.jettison
jettison |
1.5.4 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.codehaus.plexus
plexus-classworlds |
2.5.2 | 2.8.0 |
Annotation Lib Apache 2.0 | | org.codehaus.plexus
plexus-component-annotations |
1.6 | 2.2.0 |
Dep Injection Apache 2.0 | | org.codehaus.plexus
plexus-container-default |
1.6 | 2.1.1 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.codehaus.plexus
plexus-interpolation |
1.21 | 1.27 |
Core Utils Apache 2.0 | | org.codehaus.plexus
plexus-utils |
3.0.24 | 4.0.1 |
I/O Apache 2.0 | | org.codehaus.plexus
plexus-io |
3.0.0 | 3.5.1 |
XML Processing Apache 2.0 | | org.codehaus.woodstox
woodstox-core-asl |
4.4.1 | 7.0.0 |
XML Processing
| | org.dom4j
dom4j1 vulnerability |
2.1.3 | 2.1.4 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.dominokit
domino-slf4j-logger |
1.0.1 | 1.0.3 |
Mocking Apache 2.0 | | org.easymock
easymock |
3.0 | 5.4.0 |
Assertion Apache 2.0 | | org.easytesting
fest-assert-core |
2.0M6 | 2.0M10 |
| | org.eclipse
org.eclipse.bpmn2 |
0.8.2-jboss | 0.8.1-jboss |
EDL 1.0EPL 2.0 | | org.eclipse
yasson |
1.0.6 | 3.0.4 |
Maven Repo API Apache 2.0 | | org.eclipse.aether
aether-api |
1.1.0 | 2.0.1 |
EPL 1.0 | | org.eclipse.aether
aether-spi |
1.1.0 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.eclipse.aether
aether-util |
1.1.0 | 2.0.1 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.eclipse.aether
aether-impl |
1.1.0 | 2.0.1 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.eclipse.aether
aether-transport-file |
1.1.0 | 2.0.1 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.eclipse.aether
aether-transport-http |
1.1.0 | 1.9.22 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.eclipse.aether
aether-transport-wagon |
1.1.0 | 2.0.1 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.eclipse.aether
aether-connector-basic |
1.1.0 | 2.0.1 |
EPL 2.0 | | org.eclipse.emf
org.eclipse.emf.common |
2.6.0.v20100614-1136 | 2.31.0 |
EPL 2.0 | | org.eclipse.emf
org.eclipse.emf.ecore |
2.6.0.v20100614-1136 | 2.37.0 |
EPL 2.0 | | org.eclipse.emf
org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi |
2.5.0.v20100521-1846 | 2.38.0 |
Java Compiler/Parser EPL 2.0 | | org.eclipse.jdt
ecj |
3.18.0 | 3.39.0 |
Apache 2.0EPL 1.0 | | org.eclipse.jetty
jetty-continuation |
9.4.51.v20230217 | 9.4.56.v20240826 |
Apache 2.0EPL 2.0 | | org.eclipse.jetty
jetty-http1 vulnerability |
9.4.51.v20230217 | 12.0.13 |
I/O Apache 2.0EPL 2.0 | | org.eclipse.jetty
jetty-io |
9.4.51.v20230217 | 12.0.13 |
Apache 2.0EPL 2.0 | | org.eclipse.jetty
jetty-proxy |
9.4.51.v20230217 | 12.0.13 |
Apache 2.0EPL 2.0 | | org.eclipse.jetty
jetty-security |
9.4.51.v20230217 | 12.0.13 |
Apache 2.0EPL 2.0 | | org.eclipse.jetty
jetty-util |
9.4.51.v20230217 | 12.0.13 |
Web Server Apache 2.0EPL 2.0 | | org.eclipse.jetty
jetty-server |
9.4.51.v20230217 | 12.0.13 |
Apache 2.0EPL 2.0 | | org.eclipse.jetty
jetty-servlet |
9.4.51.v20230217 | 12.0.13 |
Apache 2.0EPL 2.0 | | org.eclipse.jetty
jetty-servlets1 vulnerability |
9.4.51.v20230217 | 11.0.24 |
Git Tool BSD 3-clauseEDL 1.0 | | org.eclipse.jgit
org.eclipse.jgit1 vulnerability | | |
BSD 3-clauseEDL 1.0 | | org.eclipse.jgit
org.eclipse.jgit.ssh.jsch | | |
EDL 1.0EPL 2.0 | | org.eclipse.persistence
org.eclipse.persistence.moxy |
2.7.6 | 4.0.4 |
EPL 2.0 | | org.eclipse.sisu
org.eclipse.sisu.plexus |
0.3.2 | 0.3.5 |
EPL 2.0 | | org.eclipse.sisu
org.eclipse.sisu.inject |
0.3.2 | 0.3.5 |
EPL 1.0 | | org.eclipselabs
org.eclipse.emf.gwt.ecore |
2.9.0 |
EPL 1.0 | | org.eclipselabs
org.eclipse.emf.gwt.ecore |
2.9.0 |
EPL 1.0 | | org.eclipselabs
org.eclipse.emf.gwt.common |
2.9.0 |
EPL 1.0 | | org.eclipselabs
org.eclipse.emf.gwt.common |
2.9.0 |
Template Engine Apache 2.0 | | org.freemarker
freemarker |
2.3.30 | 2.3.33 |
EPL 2.0GPL | | org.glassfish
jakarta.el |
3.0.3 | 6.0.1 |
JSON Lib EPL 2.0 | | org.glassfish
jakarta.json |
1.1.6 | 2.0.1 |
EDL 1.0 | | org.glassfish.jaxb
jaxb-runtime |
2.3.6 | 4.0.5 |
EDL 1.0 | | org.glassfish.jaxb
jaxb-xjc |
2.3.6 | 4.0.5 |
EPL 2.0GPL | | org.glassfish.main.extras
glassfish-embedded-all |
3.1.2 | 7.0.17 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.gwtbootstrap3
gwtbootstrap3 |
1.0.1 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.gwtbootstrap3
gwtbootstrap3-extras |
1.0.2 |
Testing BSD 3-clause | | org.hamcrest
hamcrest-library |
1.3 | 3.0 |
Testing BSD 3-clause | | org.hamcrest
hamcrest-core |
1.3 | 3.0 |
LGPL 2.1 | | org.hibernate
hibernate-envers |
5.3.20.Final | 6.6.1.Final |
LGPL 2.1 | | org.hibernate
hibernate-jpamodelgen |
5.3.20.Final | 6.6.1.Final |
O/R Mapping LGPL 2.1 | | org.hibernate
hibernate-core |
5.3.20.Final | 6.6.1.Final |
JPA LGPL 2.1 | | org.hibernate
hibernate-entitymanager |
5.3.20.Final | 6.6.1.Final |
Validation Apache 2.0 | | org.hibernate
hibernate-validator1 vulnerability |
4.1.0.Final | 8.0.1.Final |
Validation Apache 2.0 | | org.hibernate
hibernate-validator1 vulnerability |
4.1.0.Final | 8.0.1.Final |
Reflection Apache 2.0 | | org.hibernate.common
hibernate-commons-annotations |
5.0.5.Final | 7.0.1.Final |
Message Broker Apache 2.0 | | org.hornetq
hornetq-server |
2.4.7.Final | 2.4.9.Final |
Message Broker Apache 2.0 | | org.hornetq
hornetq-jms-server |
2.4.7.Final | 2.4.9.Final |
Message Queue Client Apache 2.0 | | org.hornetq
hornetq-core-client |
2.4.7.Final | 2.4.9.Final |
Message Queue Client Apache 2.0 | | org.hornetq
hornetq-jms-client |
2.4.7.Final | 2.4.9.Final |
Embedded SQL DB
| | org.hsqldb
hsqldb |
2.7.1 | 2.7.3 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.infinispan
infinispan-commons |
11.0.9.Final | 15.0.8.Final |
Cache Impl Apache 2.0 | | org.infinispan
infinispan-core |
11.0.9.Final | 15.0.8.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.infinispan
infinispan-query-dsl |
11.0.9.Final | 15.0.8.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.infinispan
infinispan-remote-query-client |
11.0.9.Final | 15.0.8.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.infinispan
infinispan-client-hotrod |
11.0.9.Final | 15.0.8.Final |
Code Coverage EPL 2.0 | | org.jacoco
org.jacoco.agent |
0.8.5 | 0.8.12 |
Encryption Lib Apache 2.0 | | org.jasypt
jasypt |
1.9.2 | 1.9.3 |
Bytecode Apache 2.0LGPL 2.1MPL 1.1 | | org.javassist
javassist |
3.26.0-GA | 3.30.2-GA |
CC0 1.0Public | | org.jboss
jboss-remote-naming |
2.0.5.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss
jboss-dmr |
1.5.1.Final | 1.7.0.Final |
Annotation Tool Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss
jandex |
2.2.3.Final | 3.2.2 |
Public | | org.jboss
jboss-transaction-spi-jakarta |
7.6.1.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.arquillian.config
arquillian-config-api |
1.1.13.Final | 1.9.1.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.arquillian.config
arquillian-config-spi |
1.1.13.Final | 1.9.1.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.arquillian.config
arquillian-config-impl-base |
1.1.13.Final | 1.9.1.Final |
CC0 1.0Public | | org.jboss.arquillian.container
arquillian-weld-ee-embedded-1.1 |
1.0.0.CR5 | 4.0.0.Final |
CC0 1.0Public | | org.jboss.arquillian.container
arquillian-weld-se-embedded-1.1 |
1.0.0.CR5 | 4.0.0.Final |
CC0 1.0Public | | org.jboss.arquillian.container
arquillian-glassfish-embedded-3.1 |
1.0.0.CR3 | 1.0.2 |
CC0 1.0Public | | org.jboss.arquillian.container
arquillian-glassfish-managed-3.1 |
1.0.0.CR3 | 1.0.2 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.arquillian.container
arquillian-container-spi |
1.1.13.Final | 1.9.1.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.arquillian.container
arquillian-container-impl-base |
1.1.13.Final | 1.9.1.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.arquillian.container
arquillian-container-test-api |
1.1.13.Final | 1.9.1.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.arquillian.container
arquillian-container-test-spi |
1.1.13.Final | 1.9.1.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.arquillian.container
arquillian-container-test-impl-base |
1.1.13.Final | 1.9.1.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.arquillian.core
arquillian-core-api |
1.1.13.Final | 1.9.1.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.arquillian.core
arquillian-core-spi |
1.1.13.Final | 1.9.1.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.arquillian.core
arquillian-core-impl-base |
1.1.13.Final | 1.9.1.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.arquillian.junit
arquillian-junit-core |
1.1.13.Final | 1.9.1.Final |
Testing Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.arquillian.junit
arquillian-junit-container |
1.1.13.Final | 1.9.1.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.arquillian.junit
arquillian-junit-standalone |
1.1.13.Final | 1.9.1.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.arquillian.protocol
arquillian-protocol-servlet |
1.1.13.Final | 1.9.1.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.arquillian.protocol
arquillian-protocol-jmx |
1.1.13.Final | 1.9.1.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.arquillian.test
arquillian-test-api |
1.1.13.Final | 1.9.1.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.arquillian.test
arquillian-test-spi |
1.1.13.Final | 1.9.1.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.arquillian.test
arquillian-test-impl-base |
1.1.13.Final | 1.9.1.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.arquillian.testenricher
arquillian-testenricher-cdi |
1.1.13.Final | 1.9.1.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.arquillian.testenricher
arquillian-testenricher-ejb |
1.1.13.Final | 1.9.1.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.arquillian.testenricher
arquillian-testenricher-resource |
1.1.13.Final | 1.9.1.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.arquillian.testenricher
arquillian-testenricher-initialcontext |
1.1.13.Final | 1.9.1.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.arquillian.testng
arquillian-testng-core |
1.1.13.Final | 1.9.1.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.arquillian.testng
arquillian-testng-container |
1.1.13.Final | 1.9.1.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.arquillian.testng
arquillian-testng-standalone |
1.1.13.Final | 1.9.1.Final |
AOP LGPL 2.1 | | org.jboss.byteman
byteman |
4.0.13 | 4.0.23 |
LGPL 2.1 | | org.jboss.byteman
byteman-submit |
4.0.13 | 4.0.23 |
LGPL 2.1 | | org.jboss.byteman
byteman-install |
4.0.13 | 4.0.23 |
Testing LGPL 2.1 | | org.jboss.byteman
byteman-bmunit |
4.0.13 | 4.0.23 |
Bytecode Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.classfilewriter
jboss-classfilewriter |
1.2.4.Final | 1.3.1.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.errai
errai-bus |
4.15.0.Final | 4.16.0.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.errai
errai-ioc |
4.15.0.Final | 4.16.0.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.errai
errai-tools |
4.15.0.Final | 4.16.0.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.errai
errai-cdi-server |
4.15.0.Final | 4.16.0.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.errai
errai-bus |
4.15.0.Final | 4.16.0.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.errai
errai-bus |
4.15.0.Final | 4.16.0.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.errai
errai-cdi-client |
4.15.0.Final | 4.16.0.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.errai
errai-cdi-shared |
4.15.0.Final | 4.16.0.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.errai
errai-cdi-client |
4.15.0.Final | 4.16.0.Final |
CodeGen Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.errai
errai-codegen |
4.15.0.Final | 4.16.0.Final |
CodeGen Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.errai
errai-codegen-gwt |
4.15.0.Final | 4.16.0.Final |
CodeGen Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.errai
errai-codegen |
4.15.0.Final | 4.16.0.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.errai
errai-common |
4.15.0.Final | 4.16.0.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.errai
errai-config |
4.15.0.Final | 4.16.0.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.errai
errai-cordova |
4.15.0.Final | 4.16.0.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.errai
errai-data-binding |
4.15.0.Final | 4.16.0.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.errai
errai-html5 |
4.15.0.Final | 4.16.0.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.errai
errai-ioc |
4.15.0.Final | 4.16.0.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.errai
errai-ioc |
4.15.0.Final | 4.16.0.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.errai
errai-ioc-bus-support |
4.15.0.Final | 4.16.0.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.errai
errai-javaee-all |
4.15.0.Final | 4.16.0.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.errai
errai-javax-enterprise |
4.15.0.Final | 4.16.0.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.errai
errai-jaxrs-client |
4.15.0.Final | 4.16.0.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.errai
errai-jaxrs-client |
4.15.0.Final | 4.16.0.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.errai
errai-jaxrs-provider |
4.15.0.Final | 4.16.0.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.errai
errai-jboss-as-support |
4.15.0.Final | 4.16.0.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.errai
errai-jpa-client |
4.15.0.Final | 4.16.0.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.errai
errai-jpa-datasync |
4.15.0.Final | 4.16.0.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.errai
errai-js | 4.15.0.Final | 3.2.5.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.errai
errai-marshalling |
4.15.0.Final | 4.16.0.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.errai
errai-navigation |
4.15.0.Final | 4.16.0.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.errai
errai-tools |
4.15.0.Final | 4.16.0.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.errai
errai-ui |
4.15.0.Final | 4.16.0.Final |
Validation Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.errai
errai-validation |
4.15.0.Final | 4.16.0.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.errai
errai-cdi-server |
4.15.0.Final | 4.16.0.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.errai
errai-security-server |
4.15.0.Final | 4.16.0.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.errai
errai-security-client |
4.15.0.Final | 4.16.0.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.errai
errai-security-picketlink |
4.15.0.Final | 4.16.0.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.errai
errai-security-keycloak |
4.15.0.Final | 4.16.0.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.errai
errai-cdi-jboss |
4.15.0.Final | 4.16.0.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.errai
errai-client-local-class-hider |
4.15.0.Final | 4.16.0.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.errai
errai-bus-jsr356-websocket-weld |
4.15.0.Final | 4.16.0.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.errai
errai-bus-jsr356-websocket |
4.15.0.Final | 4.16.0.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.errai
errai-annotation-processors |
4.15.0.Final | 4.16.0.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.errai
errai-api |
4.15.0.Final | 4.16.0.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.errai
errai-jaxrs-resteasy |
4.15.0.Final | 4.16.0.Final |
| | org.jboss.errai.reflections
reflections |
4.15.0.Final | 4.16.0.Final |
EPL 1.0 | | org.jboss.forge.roaster
roaster-api |
2.19.5.Final | 2.29.0.Final |
EPL 1.0 | | org.jboss.forge.roaster
roaster-jdt |
2.19.5.Final | 2.29.0.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.integration
narayana-tomcat |
1.0.0.Final | 2.0.0.Final |
LGPL 2.1 | | org.jboss.jbossts.jta
narayana-jta |
4.17.29.Final | 4.17.43.Final |
Logging Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.logging
jboss-logging |
3.4.1.Final | 3.6.1.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.marshalling
jboss-marshalling |
2.0.11.Final | 2.2.1.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.marshalling
jboss-marshalling-river |
2.0.11.Final | 2.2.1.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.marshalling
jboss-marshalling-osgi |
2.0.11.Final | 2.2.1.Final |
LGPL 2.1 | | org.jboss.msc
jboss-msc |
1.4.12.Final | 1.5.5.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.narayana.jta
narayana-jta |
5.9.0.Final | 7.0.2.Final |
Dist Communication Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.remoting
jboss-remoting |
5.0.20.Final | 5.0.29.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.resteasy
resteasy-cdi |
3.15.6.Final | 6.2.10.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.resteasy
resteasy-client |
3.15.6.Final | 6.2.10.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.resteasy
resteasy-jaxrs |
3.15.6.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.resteasy
resteasy-jaxb-provider |
3.15.6.Final | 6.2.10.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.resteasy
resteasy-jackson-provider |
3.15.6.Final | 6.2.10.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.resteasy
resteasy-jackson2-provider |
3.15.6.Final | 6.2.10.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.resteasy
resteasy-multipart-provider |
3.15.6.Final | 6.2.10.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.resteasy
tjws |
3.15.6.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.resteasy
resteasy-undertow1 vulnerability |
3.15.6.Final | 6.2.10.Final |
Bill of materials Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.shrinkwrap
shrinkwrap-bom |
1.2.6 |
Bill of materials Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.shrinkwrap.descriptors
shrinkwrap-descriptors-bom |
2.0.0-alpha-10 | 2.0.0 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.shrinkwrap.resolver
shrinkwrap-resolver-api |
2.2.0 | 3.3.1 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.shrinkwrap.resolver
shrinkwrap-resolver-spi |
2.2.0 | 3.3.1 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.shrinkwrap.resolver
shrinkwrap-resolver-api-maven |
2.2.0 | 3.3.1 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.shrinkwrap.resolver
shrinkwrap-resolver-spi-maven |
2.2.0 | 3.3.1 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.shrinkwrap.resolver
shrinkwrap-resolver-impl-maven |
2.2.0 | 3.3.1 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.shrinkwrap.resolver
shrinkwrap-resolver-api-maven-archive |
2.2.0 | 3.3.1 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.shrinkwrap.resolver
shrinkwrap-resolver-impl-maven-archive |
2.2.0 | 3.3.1 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.shrinkwrap.resolver
shrinkwrap-resolver-depchain |
2.2.0 | 3.3.1 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.shrinkwrap.resolver
shrinkwrap-resolver-gradle-depchain |
2.2.0 | 3.3.1 |
Maven Plugins Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.shrinkwrap.resolver
shrinkwrap-resolver-maven-plugin |
2.2.0 | 3.3.1 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.shrinkwrap.resolver
shrinkwrap-resolver-api-gradle-embedded-archive |
2.2.0 | 3.3.1 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.shrinkwrap.resolver
shrinkwrap-resolver-impl-gradle-embedded-archive |
2.2.0 | 3.3.1 |
Bill of materials Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.shrinkwrap.resolver
shrinkwrap-resolver-bom |
2.2.4 | 3.3.1 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.weld
weld-api |
3.1.SP3 | 5.0.SP3 |
Dep Injection Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.weld
weld-core-impl |
3.1.6.Final | 5.1.3.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.weld
weld-spi |
3.1.SP3 | 5.0.SP3 |
Dep Injection Apache 2.0 | |
weld-se-core |
3.1.6.Final | 5.1.3.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.weld.servlet
weld-servlet-core |
3.1.6.Final | 5.1.3.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.xnio
xnio-api1 vulnerability |
3.8.4.Final | 3.8.16.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.jboss.xnio
xnio-nio |
3.8.4.Final | 3.8.16.Final |
XML Processing
| | org.jdom
jdom1 vulnerability |
1.1.3 | |
Chart Library LGPL | | org.jfree
jfreechart |
1.5.0 | 1.5.5 |
BSD 3-clause | | org.jpmml
pmml-model |
1.5.1 | 1.6.5 |
BSD 3-clause | | org.jresearch.gwt.time
org.jresearch.gwt.time |
2.0.3 | 2.0.11 |
JSON Lib Public | | org.json
json2 vulnerabilities |
20090211 | 20240303 |
JSON Lib Public | | org.json
json1 vulnerability |
20230227 | 20240303 |
HTML Parser MIT | | org.jsoup
jsoup |
1.15.3 | 1.18.1 |
Testing EPL 2.0 | | org.junit.jupiter
junit-jupiter-api |
5.5.2 | 5.11.0 |
Testing EPL 2.0 | | org.junit.jupiter
junit-jupiter-engine |
5.5.2 | 5.11.0 |
Testing EPL 2.0 | | org.junit.jupiter
junit-jupiter-params |
5.5.2 | 5.11.0 |
Testing EPL 2.0 | | org.junit.vintage
junit-vintage-engine |
5.5.2 | 5.11.0 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.keycloak
keycloak-admin-client |
21.1.2 | 25.0.5 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.keycloak
keycloak-core2 vulnerabilities |
21.1.2 | 25.0.5 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.keycloak
keycloak-common |
21.1.2 | 25.0.5 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.kie
kie-pmml-dependencies |
7.74.1.Final | 9.44.0.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.kogito
gwt-jsonix-schema-compiler |
1.2.1 | 1.3.0 |
JDBC Driver LGPL 2.1 | | org.mariadb.jdbc
mariadb-java-client |
1.3.4 | 3.4.1 |
Mocking Apache 2.0 | | org.mock-server
mockserver-netty |
5.11.1 | 5.15.0 |
Mocking MIT | | org.mockito
mockito-core |
3.6.0 | 5.13.0 |
Mocking MIT | | org.mockito
mockito-inline |
3.6.0 | 5.13.0 |
JVM Languages MPL 2.0 | | org.mozilla
rhino |
1.7.13 | 1.7.15 |
Expression Lang Apache 2.0 | | org.mvel
mvel2 |
2.4.15.Final | 2.5.2.Final |
Apache | | org.ocpsoft.prettytime
prettytime |
3.0.2.Final | 5.0.9.Final |
Microbenchmarks GPL 2.0 | | org.openjdk.jmh
jmh-core |
1.21 | 1.37 |
Annotation Tool GPL 2.0 | | org.openjdk.jmh
jmh-generator-annprocess |
1.21 | 1.37 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.ops4j.pax.exam
pax-exam-container-karaf |
4.13.4 | 4.13.5 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.ops4j.pax.exam
pax-exam-junit4 |
4.13.4 | 4.13.5 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.ops4j.pax.url
pax-url-aether |
2.2.0 | 2.6.14 |
OSGi Apache 2.0 | | org.osgi
org.osgi.core |
4.3.1 | 8.0.0 |
OSGi Apache 2.0 | | org.osgi
org.osgi.compendium |
4.3.1 | 7.0.0 |
Bytecode BSD 3-clause | | org.ow2.asm
asm |
7.1 | 9.7 |
BSD 3-clause | | org.owasp.encoder
encoder |
1.2 | 1.3.1 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.picketlink
picketlink-api |
2.6.0.Final | 2.7.1.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.picketlink
picketlink-idm-api |
2.6.0.Final | 5.0.0-2013Jan16 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.picketlink
picketlink-impl |
2.6.0.Final | 2.7.1.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.picketlink
picketlink-tomcat7-single |
2.6.0.Final | 2.7.1.Final |
JDBC Driver BSD 2-clause | | org.postgresql
postgresql1 vulnerability |
42.4.3 | 42.7.4 |
Mocking Apache 2.0 | | org.powermock
powermock-api-mockito2 |
2.0.7 | 2.0.9 |
Mocking Apache 2.0 | | org.powermock
powermock-module-junit4 |
2.0.7 | 2.0.9 |
Python Integration JYTHON | | org.python
jython |
2.7.2 | 2.7.4 |
Job Scheduling Apache 2.0 | | org.quartz-scheduler
quartz |
2.3.2 |
Reflection Apache 2.0 | | org.reflections
reflections |
0.9.11 | 0.10.2 |
MIT | | org.rikkola.gwt
antlr4-c3-gwt |
1.1.12 |
MIT | | org.rikkola.gwt
antlr4-c3-gwt |
1.1.12 |
Dep Injection Apache 2.0 | | org.roboguice
roboguice |
3.0.1 | 4.0.0 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.roboguice
roboblender |
3.0.1 | 4.0.0 |
Testing MIT | | org.robolectric
robolectric |
3.1.2 | 4.13 |
Annotation Lib MIT | | org.robolectric
robolectric-annotations |
3.1.2 | 3.3.2 |
MIT | | org.robolectric
shadows-core |
3.1.2 | 3.3.2 |
Annotation Tool Apache 2.0 | | org.scannotation
scannotation |
1.0.3 |
Web Testing Apache 2.0 | | org.seleniumhq.selenium
selenium-server |
3.13.0 | 3.141.59 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.seleniumhq.selenium
selenium-api |
3.13.0 | 4.24.0 |
Web Testing Apache 2.0 | | org.seleniumhq.selenium
selenium-java |
3.13.0 | 4.24.0 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.seleniumhq.selenium
selenium-support |
3.13.0 | 4.24.0 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.seleniumhq.selenium
selenium-leg-rc |
3.13.0 | 4.5.0 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.seleniumhq.selenium
lift |
3.13.0 | 4.14.0 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.seleniumhq.selenium
selenium-chrome-driver |
3.13.0 | 4.24.0 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.seleniumhq.selenium
selenium-firefox-driver |
3.13.0 | 4.24.0 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.seleniumhq.selenium
selenium-ie-driver |
3.13.0 | 4.24.0 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.seleniumhq.selenium
selenium-edge-driver |
3.13.0 | 4.24.0 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.seleniumhq.selenium
selenium-safari-driver |
3.13.0 | 4.24.0 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.seleniumhq.selenium
selenium-remote-driver |
3.13.0 | 4.24.0 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.seleniumhq.selenium
selenium-opera-driver |
3.13.0 | 4.4.0 |
Testing Apache 2.0 | | org.skyscreamer
jsonassert |
1.2.3 | 1.5.3 |
Logging MIT | | org.slf4j
slf4j-api |
1.7.30 | 2.0.16 |
Logging MIT | | org.slf4j
slf4j-ext |
1.7.30 | 2.0.16 |
Logging MIT | | org.slf4j
slf4j-simple |
1.7.30 | 2.0.16 |
Logging Bridge Apache 2.0 | | org.slf4j
jcl-over-slf4j |
1.7.30 | 2.0.16 |
Logging Bridge Apache 2.0 | | org.slf4j
log4j-over-slf4j |
1.7.30 | 2.0.16 |
Logging Bridge MIT | | org.slf4j
slf4j-jdk14 |
1.7.30 | 2.0.16 |
Logging Bridge MIT | | org.slf4j
slf4j-log4j12 |
1.7.30 | 2.0.16 |
Logging Bridge MIT | | org.slf4j
jul-to-slf4j |
1.7.30 | 2.0.16 |
Maven Repo API EPL 1.0 | | org.sonatype.aether
aether-api |
1.13.1 | 1.1.0 |
EPL 1.0 | | org.sonatype.aether
aether-util |
1.13.1 | 1.1.0 |
EPL 1.0 | | org.sonatype.aether
aether-impl |
1.13.1 | 1.1.0 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.sonatype.plexus
plexus-cipher |
1.7 | 2.1.0 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.sonatype.plexus
plexus-sec-dispatcher |
1.3 | 2.0 |
EPL 2.0 | | org.sonatype.sisu
sisu-inject-bean |
2.3.0 | 0.3.5 |
EPL 2.0 | | org.sonatype.sisu
sisu-inject-plexus |
2.3.0 | 0.3.5 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.sonatype.sisu.inject
guice-servlet |
3.2.3 | 7.0.0 |
AOP Apache 2.0 | | org.springframework
spring-aop |
5.3.27 | 6.1.13 |
AOP Apache 2.0 | | org.springframework
spring-aspects |
5.3.27 | 6.1.13 |
Dep Injection Apache 2.0 | | org.springframework
spring-beans |
5.3.27 | 6.1.13 |
Dep Injection Apache 2.0 | | org.springframework
spring-context |
5.3.27 | 6.1.13 |
Config Apache 2.0 | | org.springframework
spring-context-support |
5.3.27 | 6.1.13 |
Core Utils Apache 2.0 | | org.springframework
spring-core |
5.3.27 | 6.1.13 |
Expression Lang Apache 2.0 | | org.springframework
spring-expression1 vulnerability |
5.3.27 | 6.1.13 |
Bytecode Apache 2.0 | | org.springframework
spring-instrument |
5.3.27 | 6.1.13 |
JDBC Extension Apache 2.0 | | org.springframework
spring-jdbc |
5.3.27 | 6.1.13 |
Message Queue Client Apache 2.0 | | org.springframework
spring-jms |
5.3.27 | 6.1.13 |
O/R Mapping Apache 2.0 | | org.springframework
spring-orm |
5.3.27 | 6.1.13 |
XML Processing Apache 2.0 | | org.springframework
spring-oxm |
5.3.27 | 6.1.13 |
Testing Apache 2.0 | | org.springframework
spring-test |
5.3.27 | 6.1.13 |
Transactions Apache 2.0 | | org.springframework
spring-tx |
5.3.27 | 6.1.13 |
Web Framework Apache 2.0 | | org.springframework
spring-web4 vulnerabilities |
5.3.27 | 6.1.13 |
Web Framework Apache 2.0 | | org.springframework
spring-webmvc |
5.3.27 | 6.1.13 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.springframework
spring-websocket |
5.3.27 | 6.1.13 |
Config Apache 2.0 | | org.springframework.boot
spring-boot-autoconfigure |
2.5.15 | 3.3.3 |
Annotation Tool Apache 2.0 | | org.springframework.boot
spring-boot-configuration-processor |
2.5.15 | 3.3.3 |
Annotation Tool Apache 2.0 | | org.springframework.boot
spring-boot-autoconfigure-processor |
2.5.15 | 3.3.3 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.springframework.boot
spring-boot-test |
2.5.15 | 3.3.3 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.springframework.boot
spring-boot-test-autoconfigure |
2.5.15 | 3.3.3 |
OSGi Apache 2.0 | | org.springframework.osgi
spring-osgi-core |
1.2.1 |
LGPL | | org.subethamail
subethasmtp-wiser |
1.2 |
SMTP Apache 2.0 | | org.subethamail
subethasmtp |
3.1.6 | 3.1.7 |
MIT | | org.testcontainers
kafka |
1.15.2 | 1.20.1 |
Testing MIT | | org.testcontainers
testcontainers |
1.15.2 | 1.20.1 |
MIT | | org.testcontainers
toxiproxy |
1.15.2 | 1.20.1 |
| | org.w3c
dom |
2.3.0-jaxb-1.0.6 |
Web Assets Apache 2.0 | | org.webjars
swagger-ui1 vulnerability |
2.2.10 | 5.17.14 |
Bill of materials Apache 2.0 | | org.wildfly
wildfly-jms-client-bom |
23.0.0.Final | 33.0.2.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.wildfly.arquillian
wildfly-arquillian-container-managed |
3.0.1.Final | 5.0.1.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.wildfly.arquillian
wildfly-arquillian-container-remote |
3.0.1.Final | 5.0.1.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.wildfly.client
wildfly-client-config |
1.0.1.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.wildfly.common
wildfly-common |
1.5.4.Final | 2.0.0 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.wildfly.core
wildfly-controller-client |
17.0.0.Final | 25.0.2.Final |
Apache 2.0 | | org.wildfly.core
wildfly-domain-management |
17.0.0.Final | 25.0.2.Final |
Apache 2.0 | |
wildfly-elytron |
1.15.16.Final | 2.5.2.Final |
Apache 2.0 | |
wildfly-elytron-auth-server |
1.15.16.Final | 2.5.2.Final |
Testing Apache 2.0 | | org.xmlunit
xmlunit-core1 vulnerability |
2.8.2 | 2.10.0 |
Testing Apache 2.0 | | org.xmlunit
xmlunit-matchers |
2.8.2 | 2.10.0 |
Apache 2.0 | | org.xmlunit
xmlunit-assertj |
2.8.2 | 2.10.0 |
YAML Apache 2.0 | | org.yaml
snakeyaml |
2.0 | 2.3 |
RSS/Atom Apache 2.0 | | rome
rome |
1.0 | 2.1.0 |
| | simple-jndi
simple-jndi | |
WS Metadata CPL 1.0 | | wsdl4j
wsdl4j |
1.6.3 |
XML Processing Apache | | xalan
xalan |
2.7.3 |
Apache | | xalan
serializer |
2.7.3 |
XML Processing Apache 2.0 | | xerces
xercesImpl1 vulnerability |
2.12.0.SP04 | 2.12.2 |
XML Processing ApacheW3C | | xml-apis
xml-apis |
1.4.01 | 2.0.2 |
Apache 2.0 | | xml-apis
xml-apis-ext |
1.3.04 |
Apache 2.0 | | xml-resolver
xml-resolver |
1.2 |
XML Processing Public | | xmlpull
xmlpull |
1.2.0 | |
Testing BSD 3-clause | | xmlunit
xmlunit |
1.3 | 2.10.0 |
XML Processing CC0 1.0Public | | xpp3
xpp3_min |
1.2.0 | 1.1.4c |