Groovy: A powerful, dynamic language for the JVM

LicenseApache 2.0
Organization Apache Software Foundation
DateMar 06, 2022
Filespom (21 KB)  jar (94 KB)  View All
RepositoriesCentralGroovyLibsGroovyPluginsLoeyaeTalend PublicWSO2 Public
Ranking#855 in MvnRepository (See Top Artifacts)
Used By649 artifacts

Note: There is a new version for this artifact

New Version3.0.23

Compile Dependencies (1)

Category/License Group / ArtifactVersionUpdates
JVM Languages
Apache 2.0
org.codehaus.groovy » groovy

Runtime Dependencies (1)

Category/License Group / ArtifactVersionUpdates
XML Processing
Apache 2.0
org.codehaus.groovy » groovy-xml


The Apache Software License, Version 2.0


NameEmailDev IdRolesOrganization
Guillaume LaforgeglaforgeDeveloperGoogle
bob mcwhirterbob<at>werken.combobFounderThe Werken Company
James Strachanjames<at>coredevelopers.comjstrachanFounderCore Developers Network
Joe WalnesjoeDeveloper EmeritusThoughtWorks
Chris StevensonskizzDeveloper EmeritusThoughtWorks
Jamie McCrindlejamiemcDeveloper EmeritusThree
Matt FoemmelmattfDeveloper EmeritusThoughtWorks
Alex TkachmanalextkachmanDeveloper Emeritus
Roshan DawraniroshandawraniDeveloper Emeritus
Sam Pullarasam<at>sampullara.comspullaraDeveloper Emeritus
Kasper NielsenkasperDeveloper Emeritus
Travis KaytravisDeveloper Emeritus
Zohar MelamedzoharDeveloper Emeritus
John Wilsontug<at> EmeritusThe Wilson Partnership
Chris Poiriercpoirier<at>dreaming.orgcpoirierDeveloper Emeritus
Christiaan ten Kloosterckl<at>dacelo.nlcklDeveloper EmeritusDacelo WebDevelopment
Steve Goetzegoetze<at>dovetail.comgoetzeDeveloper EmeritusDovetailed Technologies, LLC
Bing Ranb55r<at>sina.combranDeveloper EmeritusLeadingcare
Jeremy Raynerjeremy.rayner<at>gmail.comjezDeveloper Emeritusjavanicus
John Stumpjohnstump2<at>yahoo.comjstumpDeveloper Emeritus
Jochen Theodoroublackdrag<at>gmx.orgblackdragDeveloper
Russel Winderrussel<at>, Founder of GantConcertant LLP & It'z Interactive Ltd
Pilho Kimphkim<at> Emeritus
Christian Steinsormuras<at>gmx.decsteinDeveloper
Dierk KoenigmittieDeveloperKarakun AG
Paul Kingpaulk<at> Manager, DeveloperOCI, Australia
Guillaume Alleonguillaume.alleon<at>gmail.comgalleonDeveloper Emeritus
Jason Dillonjason<at>planet57.comuser57Developer Emeritus
Danno FerrinshemnonDeveloper Emeritus
James WilliamsjwillDeveloper Emeritus
Tim YatestimyatesDeveloper
Andres Almirayaalmiray<at>users.sourceforge.netaalmirayDeveloper
Marc Guillemotmguillemot<at>yahoo.frmguillemDeveloper Emeritus
Jim Whitejim<at>
Peter Niederwieserpniederw<at>gmail.compniederwDeveloper Emeritus
Andre SteingressandresteingressDeveloper
Hamlet D'Arcyhamletdrc<at>gmail.comhamletdrcDeveloper Emeritus
Cedric Champeaucedric.champeau<at>gmail.commelixDeveloper
Pascal SchumacherpascalschumacherDeveloper
Daniel SunsunlanDeveloper
Remko PopmarpopmaDeveloper
Graeme RochergrocherDeveloper
Eric MillesemillesDeveloperThomson Reuters

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