mqtt-client provides an ASL 2.0 licensed API to MQTT. It takes care of automatically reconnecting to your MQTT server and restoring your client session if any network failures occur. Applications can use a blocking API style, a futures based API, or a callback/continuations passing API style.

LicenseApache 2.0
Ranking#5590 in MvnRepository (See Top Artifacts)
Used By85 artifacts

1.16CentralSep 18, 2019
1.15CentralMar 11, 2019
1.14CentralMay 31, 2016
1.13CentralMay 02, 2016
1.12CentralSep 29, 2015
1.11CentralAug 26, 2015
1.10CentralMar 14, 2014
1.9CentralFeb 20, 2014
1.8CentralFeb 05, 2014
1.7CentralJan 23, 2014
1.6CentralOct 11, 2013
1.5CentralMay 20, 2013
1.4CentralSep 25, 2012
1.3CentralJul 20, 2012
1.2CentralMay 03, 2012
1.1CentralApr 06, 2012
1.0CentralMar 13, 2012