Artifacts using jacorb version 3.9
The addc-base library supplies classes for creating UUIDs, converting between types, outputting byte arrays with different
formats including Base64, Formatting dates following different ISO formatssupport for Julian dates, delay generator, password encryption,
property file parsing, an object serialization engine, shutdown hook management, forked and counting streams and I18N sypport for all
the libraries in ADDC Commons.
Last Release on Feb 25, 2020
The addc-ssl library supplies classes for helping with configuring and setting up TLS/SSL clients and servers including
the Apache httpclient, A fised alias X.509 key manager and an implementation for the TLS/SSL layer in JacORB for running SSLIOP.
Last Release on Feb 25, 2020
the addc-iiop library supplies helper classes for dealing with corbaloc: URLs an Service URLsm configuring the properties for an ORB from
a general process properties file using tags, Ensuring null strings and octet sequences can be safely passed as parameters to IDL
interfacesm a Holder for the current ORB and a Secure GSSUP implementation of the Attribute Service for Common Secure Interoperability.
Last Release on Feb 25, 2020