The Byteman install jar contains classes to install the Byteman agent into the current JVM or a remote JVM

LicenseLGPL 2.1
DateMay 24, 2022
Filespom (2 KB)  bundle (10 KB)  View All
Ranking#3994 in MvnRepository (See Top Artifacts)
Used By122 artifacts

Note: There is a new version for this artifact

New Version4.0.23

Compile Dependencies (0)

Category/License Group / ArtifactVersionUpdates


NameEmailDev IdRolesOrganization
Andrew Dinnadinn<at>redhat.comadinnproject leadJBoss
Kabir Khankabir.khan<at>jboss.comkabir.khan@jboss.comcontributing developerJBoss