Jakarta Authentication defines a general low-level SPI for authentication mechanisms, which are controllers that interact with a caller and a container's environment to obtain the caller's credentials, validate these, and pass an authenticated identity (such as name and groups) to the container. Jakarta Authentication consists of several profiles, with each profile telling how a specific container (such as Jakarta Servlet) can integrate with- and adapt to this SPI.

LicenseEPL 2.0GPL
Organization JBoss by Red Hat
HomePage https://github.com/jboss/jboss-jakarta-jaspi-api_spec
DateSep 12, 2019
Filespom (14 KB)  jar (43 KB)  View All
RepositoriesCentralAlfrescoJBoss PublicJBoss ReleasesJBoss RepoOneBusAway Pub
Ranking#10698 in MvnRepository (See Top Artifacts)
Used By42 artifacts

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NameEmailDev IdRolesOrganization
Yamini K ByaminikbOracle Corporation
JBoss.org Communityjboss.orgJBoss.org