Basic Java 8 archetype. Options: -testLibrary: [junit, testng, none]. DEFAULT: junit. Adds the requested test library to the POM deps. -compilerMode: [simple, test-only, retrolambda-main, retrolambda-all]. DEFAULT: simple. --simple: everything is compiled as Java 8. --test-only: set up test for Java 8, and main for Java 7. --retrolambda-main: main code is compiled as Java 8, and then converted to Java 7 via retrolambda. --retrolambda-all: all code is compiled as Java 8, and then converted to Java 7 via ...

LicenseBSD 3-clause
CategoriesMaven Archetypes
Ranking#577266 in MvnRepository (See Top Artifacts)
#1650 in Maven Archetypes

Jul 21, 2014