Found 4 results
1. RoughSets
org.renjin.cran » RoughSetsGPL
Implementations of algorithms for data analysis based on the rough set theory (RST) and the fuzzy rough set theory (FRST). We not only provide implementations for the basic concepts of RST and FRST but also popular algorithms that derive from those theories. The methods included in the package can be divided into several categories based on their functionality: discretization, feature selection, instance selection, rule induction and classification based on nearest neighbors. RST was introduced by Zdzisław ...
Last Release on Feb 14, 2021
2. Analogue
org.renjin.cran » analogueGPL
Fits Modern Analogue Technique and Weighted Averaging transfer function models for prediction of environmental data from species data, and related methods used in palaeoecology.
Last Release on May 1, 2022
3. Bigrf
org.renjin.cran » bigrfGPL
This is an implementation of Leo Breiman's and Adele Cutler's Random Forest algorithms for classification and regression, with optimizations for performance and for handling of data sets that are too large to be processed in memory. Forests can be built in parallel at two levels. First, trees can be grown in parallel on a single machine using foreach. Second, multiple forests can be built in parallel on multiple machines, then merged into one. For large data sets, disk-based big.matrix's may be used for ...
Last Release on May 1, 2022
4. Captr
org.renjin.cran » captrMIT
Get text from images of text using Captricity Optical Character Recognition (OCR) API. Captricity allows you to get text from handwritten forms --- think surveys --- and other structured paper documents. And it can output data in form a delimited file keeping field information intact. For more information, read <>.
Last Release on Feb 14, 2021
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