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To compress (Minify + Ofuscate) Javascript files and CSS files (using YUI Compressor from Julien Lecomte) and/or
to check Javascript files with jslint.
Last Release on Apr 27, 2008
3. Npmpack Maven Plugin
net.sf.buildbox.maven » npmpack-maven-pluginApacheLGPL
Simplify embedding of NPM build inside Maven build
Last Release on Mar 25, 2014
Generates an application file. An application file is a single file containing your entire application,
it's all you need to distribute or run the application. Technically, an application file is a Bash shell script
with an appended executable jar file. You can invoke it directly or you can pass it as an argument to java -jar.
You can rename it without breaking the application.
Last Release on Nov 28, 2011
This maven plugin extends the maven dependency plugin's CopyDependenciesMojo to provide more
precise control over which artifacts are included in the copy operation. Specifically, in addition to the
normal configuration provided by the CopyDependenciesMojo, it accepts a configuration of includedArtifacts
which is a list containing a single entry for each includedArtifact where the value is the groupId and
the artifactId joined by a colon (":")
Last Release on Nov 14, 2011
6. Staccatissimo Restrictions Instrument Maven Plugin
net.sf.staccatocommons » staccatissimo-restrictions-instrument-maven-pluginLGPL
A Maven Mojo for instrummenting restrictions as part of the build process
Last Release on Jul 21, 2012
This project produces a maven mojo that can set the System property "squirrelsql.version" so that
it can be used globally by the installers and the update-site projects. It accepts the project
version as an argument which it uses to decide what the squirrelsql.version should be. If the
project version ends with "-SNAPSHOT", then the squirrelsql.version will be set to
Snapshot-{timestamp} where {timestamp} is the current timestamp in the form of YYYYMMDD_HHMM. If
however, the project version ...
Last Release on Nov 14, 2011
This mojo builds a catalog file according to xsd files inside project and jar files
Last Release on Sep 6, 2011
This project produces the Mojo that can build a proper release.xml for the SQuirreLSQL update site,
given a directory where the updated jar artifacts are located. This plugin accepts a directory in
it's configuration and expects to find three sub-directories there : core, plugins and i18n. It then
categorizes the artifacts found in those directories accordingly in the final release.xml file, that
is generated in the specified folder.
Last Release on Nov 14, 2011