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Basic Java 8 archetype. Options:
-testLibrary: [junit, testng, none]. DEFAULT: junit. Adds the requested test library to the POM deps.
-compilerMode: [simple, test-only, retrolambda-main, retrolambda-all]. DEFAULT: simple.
--simple: everything is compiled as Java 8.
--test-only: set up test for Java 8, and main for Java 7.
--retrolambda-main: main code is compiled as Java 8, and then converted to Java 7 via retrolambda.
--retrolambda-all: all code is compiled as Java 8, and then converted to Java 7 via ...
Last Release on Jul 21, 2014
3. JBehave Web Selenium Groovy Pico Archetype
org.jbehave.web » jbehave-web-selenium-groovy-pico-archetypeBSD
An archetype to run web stories using Selenium, Groovy and Pico.
Last Release on Nov 25, 2012
4. CometD :: Archetypes :: Spring, Dojo and Jetty7
org.cometd.archetypes » cometd-archetype-spring-dojo-jetty7AFLApacheBSD
CometD :: Archetypes :: Spring, Dojo and Jetty7
Last Release on May 29, 2014
5. SWC Serialization Example Archetype
org.sweble.wikitext » swc-example-serialization-archetypeApacheBSD
An example project that contains a simple application that is able to parse
a page written in Wikitext and serialize it to XML, JSON or binary.
Last Release on May 26, 2012
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