Found 103 results
A small Maven plugin that spies out all the artifacts that are produced by a Maven build.
Last Release on Nov 26, 2023
This plugin read the environment variable http.proxyUser and http.proxyPassword, and if are found it set
the PasswordAuthentication as default authentication for the JVM.
It is needed in case there is a proxy using basic authentication
Last Release on Nov 6, 2021
A maven plugin that lists and validates updated modules compared to remote repositories
Last Release on May 28, 2020
This plugin is a state-of-the-art solution that can be used to validate the integrity
of a maven repository.
It does this by generating a lock file that contains the checksums of all the artifacts in the
The lock file can then be used to validate the integrity of the repository.
This guards the supply chain against malicious actors that might tamper with the artifacts in
the repository.
Last Release on Sep 17, 2024