Group: Ionoscloud Dbaasmongo

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1. Ionos Cloud DBaas Sdk

com.ionoscloud.dbaasmongo » ionos-cloud-sdk-dbaas-mongoUnlicense

With IONOS Cloud Database as a Service, you can quickly setup and manage a MongoDB database. It is designed to allow users to leverage the same power and flexibility found within the DCD visual tool. Both tools are consistent with their concepts and lend well to making the experience smooth and intuitive.
Last Release on Mar 24, 2023

2. Ionos Cloud DBaas Sdk

com.ionoscloud.dbaasmongo » undefinedUnlicense

With IONOS Cloud Database as a Service, you can quickly setup and manage a MongoDB database. It is designed to allow users to leverage the same power and flexibility found within the DCD visual tool. Both tools are consistent with their concepts and lend well to making the experience smooth and intuitive.
Last Release on Mar 8, 2023