| Clojure in Action (2016) by Amit Rathore, Francis Avila |
| Clojure Recipes (Developer's Library) (2015) by Julian Gamble |
| Clojure for the Brave and True: Learn the Ultimate Language and Become a Better Programmer (2015) by Daniel Higginbotham |
| Living Clojure: An Introduction and Training Plan for Developers (2015) by Carin Meier |
| Clojure Reactive Programming - How to Develop Concurrent and Asynchronous Applications with Clojure (2015) by Leonardo Borges |
| Clojure Web Development Essentials (2015) by Ryan Baldwin |
| Clojure Data Analysis Cookbook- Second Edition (2015) by Eric Rochester |
| Mastering Clojure Macros: Write Cleaner, Faster, Smarter Code (2014) by Colin Jones |
| The Joy of Clojure (2014) by Michael Fogus, Chris Houser |
| Clojure for Machine Learning (2014) by Akhil Wali |
| Mastering Clojure Data Analysis (2014) by Eric Rochester |
| Clojure Cookbook: Recipes for Functional Programming (2014) by Luke VanderHart, Ryan Neufeld |
| Web Development with Clojure: Build Bulletproof Web Apps with Less Code (2014) by Dmitri Sotnikov |
| Clojure for Domain-specific Languages (2013) by Ryan D. Kelker |
| Clojure High Performance Programming (2013) by Shantanu Kumar |
| Functional Programming Patterns in Scala and Clojure: Write Lean Programs for the JVM (2013) by Michael Bevilacqua-Linn |
| Clojure Data Analysis Cookbook (2013) by Eric Rochester |
| Clojure Programming: Practical Lisp for the Java World (2012) by Chas Emerick, Brian Carper, Christophe Grand |
| Programming Clojure (2012) by Stuart Halloway, Aaron Bedra |
| Clojure in Action: Elegant Applications on the JVM (2011) by Amit Rathore |
| The Joy of Clojure: Thinking the Clojure Way (2011) by Michael Fogus, Chris Houser |
| Practical Clojure (Expert's Voice in Open Source) (2010) by Luke VanderHart, Stuart Sierra |
| Programming Clojure (Pragmatic Programmers) (2009) by Stuart Halloway |